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Paediatric Ophthalmology Centre and Sabatia Eye Training Centre Launched at Sabatia Eye Hospital

Sabatia, Vihiga County -     marked a significant milestone in eye care as the Paediatric Ophthalmology Centre and The Sabatia Eye Training Centre were inaugurated at Sabatia Eye Hospital in Sabatia, Vihiga County. 
The grand ceremony was graced by the Prime Cabinet Secretary H.E Musalia Mudavadi and Cabinet Secretary for Health Nakhumicha S. Wafula. These centers symbolize a strong commitment to enhancing healthcare services and addressing the specific eye care needs of children and individuals in Western Kenya and beyond.
At the heart of this groundbreaking initiative is the Paediatric Ophthalmology Centre, which aims to provide accessible and affordable eye care services exclusively tailored to children. Recognizing the unique requirements and sensitivities of young patients, the center has been thoughtfully designed to create a safe and child-friendly environment.
With its primary focus on Western Kenya and the surrounding areas, the Paediatric Ophthalmology Centre aims to bridge the gap in eye care services for children. By offering specialized care, timely interventions, and cutting-edge treatments, the center aspires to improve the overall eye health and quality of life for countless young patients.
In conjunction with the Paediatric Ophthalmology Centre, the Sabatia Eye Training Centre has also been established to combat the issue of blindness in Kenya. The pressing need for more eye specialists to address various eye conditions prompted the creation of this training center. Its mission is to increase the pool of qualified professionals who possess the expertise to diagnose, treat, and prevent blindness effectively.
Through comprehensive training programs and hands-on experience, the Sabatia Eye Training Centre aims to empower eye specialists with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a lasting impact.